My name is Bach, Johann S Bach
Watch Out! Bach er en røffere urban fyr uten parykk. Det gir inntrykk av en tett og sterk kar man kanskje ikke bør yppe seg med gatelangs i kveldsmørket. Slik forskere og eksperter har rekonstruert ham, blir støvet borte med parykken, og Bach trer frem som en mann og kunstner for vår tid. Bach er NÅ, Bach in Town!
Trykk på bildet og få en 10 minutter collage av film, bilder og musikk om Bachs tidløse univers!
The Greatest
And the winner, the all-time great, is ... Bach!
The New York Times
The New York Times konkluderte med Bach som tidenes største komponist i en artikkel i 2011. Tar vi inn popularitet basert på Google-treff slår Bach Beyoncé, Justin Bieber, Beatles, Miles Davis, Beethoven og Mozart - de fleste med god margin:
- Beyoncé 101 000 000
- Miles Davis 58 300 000
- Beatles 165 000 000
- Justin Bieber 251 000 000
- Aha 162 000 000
- Beethoven 80 100 000
- Mozart 108 000 000
- Bach 269 000 000
Dette er mest som fun fact, men hva sier et knippe kjentfolk om Bach:
His music is just timeless
Bachs musikk er som popmusikk for meg, ekstremt catchy og fengande
Øystein Greni
Once I understood Bach's music, I wanted to be a concert pianist. Bach made me dedicate my life to music, and it was that teacher who introduced me to his world
Nina Simone
When you listen to Bach - you are in another world...... I would say he would be the best on the planet
Jacques Loussier
If somebody says, 'Well, what are your favorite composers?' really, what they are saying is, 'What are your favorite composers apart from Bach?' Because obviously, Bach is your favorite composer if you are involved in music at all.
Max Richter
I think that if I were required to spend the rest of my life on a desert island, and to listen to or play the music of any one composer during all that time, that composer would almost certainly be Bach. I really can't think of any other music which is so all-encompassing, which moves me so deeply and so consistently, and which, to use a rather imprecise word, is valuable beyond all of its skill and brilliance for something more meaningful than that - its humanity.
Glenn Gould
I find that Bach is appealing to a lot of different audiences. It really hits people at their core in different ways, but it also creates a meditative space. I just feel like I can play it, and it reaches people.
Hilary Hahn
When I think of Bach´s music, I have the feeling that God owes Bach a lot. Without him many humans wouldn´t know that God is existing.
Hélène Grimaud
For meg som musiker er Bach først og fremst en vitamin, jeg trenger en høy dose hver uke. Bach gir en voldsom harmonisk og melodisk energi, melodier som setter seg i øret og ikke vil gå.
Tord Gustavsen
Bach wrote the music for us to place everything we hope and care about into the vessel of this music (St. Matthew Passion).
Peter Sellars
Each time we explore Bach's music we feel as if we have traveled great distances to, and through, a remote but entrancing soundscape.
Sir John Eliot Gardiner
Bach: A Passionate Life
John Eliot Gardiner explores Johann Sebastian Bach's music and tours Germany as he goes in search of the real Bach - a warm family man, passionate artist and rebellious spirit.