Intervju med Gustav og Alma Mahlers barnebarn Marina Mahler
Et svært interessant intervju med Gustav og Alma Mahlers barnebarn Marina Mahler fra desember 2019 i London. Det handler om et helhetlig syn på livet og kunsten, og ikke minst det tidløse i kunst - som nettopp er det "Bach in Town" ønsker å formidle.
Bach står ikke langt unna vår tid, Bach blir nærværende når hans musikk materialiseres til enhver tid og for enhver kultur. All kunst blir et aktuelt moderne konsept - om det emosjonelt og intellektuelt "snakker med oss" i vår egen samtid. Alle de store komponistene etter Bach er selvfølgelig preget av det han gjorde og oppnådde innen harmoni og polyfoni - også Gustav Mahler var selvsagt en stor beundrer.
NB! Trykk på bildet for å se intervjuet.
"There is not now and then. Everything is "now". All art, all philosophy is "now". So, we know time doesn´t exist. We have been taught it, but we don´t realize it. It seems to me that there is nothing more "now" than Mozart, there is nothing more "now" than Bach. Anything that is a true expression of human nature, and beauty, and fear and what ever..... anything in any of the arts - it´s not the past. I don´t believe in history in that way.
It seems to me that there is nothing more "now" than Mozart, there is nothing more "now" than Bach. Anything that is a true expression of human nature, and beauty, and fear and what ever..... anything in any of the arts - it´s not the past. I don´t believe in history in that way.
Marina Mahler
But the only history I think that man really has, is the history of the arts - meaning that it doesn´t matter when it was composed, or painted, or written, or imagined .... it is now, and we live it as now. If I take a novel, if I take a Dostojevski... if I take Brothers Karamasov - which was my grandfathers (Gustav Mahler) favorite book, and was also mine....which I found out afterwords: This book is "now" - it´s not long ago. The emotions hit me right now, because human beings have always been the same - it is one thing...."
- Marina Mahler